JFKMHS Community,

It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone to a new school year at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School. As a graduate of "JFK", I can attest to the long and rich history of our great school. Former principal, Mr. Cilento, always spoke about excellence in the "3 A's", academics, athletics, and arts. It is my charge to see that John F. Kennedy is an inclusive school where all students have the opportunity and support to find success in all three A's. It is my vision that John F. Kennedy Memorial High School remains a learning institute that is celebrated and lauded by the diverse community it serves. I look forward to working with our entire staff to instruct and inspire our students.

James Parry, Ed.D.


John F. Kennedy Memorial High School



WTSD Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop, through a technology-infused curriculum, life-long learners who are responsible citizens prepared to make positive contributions to the global society. We are committed to engaging all members of the community in the process of providing a learning environment that fosters interdependence, embraces change and values diversity.

WTSD Vision Statment: The Woodbridge Township School District seeks to engage the entire community in instructing and inspiring our students to be successful and significant beyond our classrooms.