John F. Kennedy Memorial High School
200 Washington Avenue
Iselin, N.J. 08830
(732) 602-8650 Fax (732) 634-1112
C.E.E.B. # 310581
James Parry, Ed.D., Principal
Steve Caroscio, Vice Principal
Alison Valente, Ed.D., Vice Principal
Bryan Wilson, Director of Guidance
Tracy Blauvelt, School Counselor
Alison Kirk, School Counselor
Beth Short, School Counselor
Tara Pasquale, School Counselor
School Profile
John F. Kennedy Memorial High School is a comprehensive, four-year public high school accredited by the State of New Jersey and the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges. We were given the prestigious 2005 – 2006 Governor’s School of Excellence Award. We have been honored as a New Jersey State Leader School and as a National Service-Learning Leader School, for which we have received re-certification. We were also recognized as a Best Practice School for Citizenship/Character Education, for Language Arts Literacy. In 2011, New Jersey Monthly magazine’s annual ranking of top high schools in New Jersey ranked J.F.K. Memorial High School as 1th in the state when compared to schools with equivalent socioeconomic status. Our school is comprised of 1345 students, and is staffed by 150 faculty members.
Woodbridge Township is one of the largest communities in Middlesex County and one of the largest suburban school districts in New Jersey. Located approximately twenty-five miles from New York City, it includes the neighborhood communities of Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Menlo Park Terrace, Port Reading, Sewaren and Woodbridge proper.
There are approximately 13,500 students in sixteen elementary schools, five middle schools, and three high schools, Colonia, John F. Kennedy Memorial and Woodbridge.
Classes meet for 85-minute periods
5 times per week, 20 credits per semester on a
4X4 block schedule.
Class Rank
Rank is calculated at the conclusion of the
2nd semester of junior year, and at the
conclusion of 2nd semester of senior year. Final
rank will be computed on all subjects. Weighting
factor for A.P. and accelerated classes is used.
Grade Range Grade Range
A+ 98-100 C+ 80-82
A 95-97 C 77-79
A- 92-94 C- 74-76
B 86-88 D+ 71-73
B- 83-85 D 68-70
B+ 89-91 D- 65-67
F 64 & Below
Mean S.A.T. scores 2018/2019
. ERW- 560
Math- 597
Mean ACT scores 2018/19
Eng.-23.4 Math-25.2 Reading 24.3 Science 23.2
AP - Advanced Placement
H- Honors
C - College Level
R - Superior and Honors
S - Average
Class of 2018 – Graduation Data
4-Year College - 57%
2-Year College -31%
Grade Point Average
Calculated non-weighted on a 4.30 scale for all classes.
The highest GPA in this class is 4.16.
Advanced Placement Courses
World History II, U.S. History I, U.S. History II, United States Gov’t Policy, English Literature, English Language, Psychology, Studio 2-D, Physics, Biology (Cellular Biology and Genetics, Biology and Evolution of Organisms), Chemistry, Environmental Science, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics , Macroeconomics, and Computer Science. (19)
Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA)
Introduction to Financial Accounting (4 credits), American History (5 credits), Foundation of Human Behavior (3 credits) and Practice Academic Writing (3 credits).
Student Body
Kennedy’s student body is rich with diversity. The first languages spoken at home in order of frequency are:
English 69% Urdu 5% Tagalog 1% Portuguese 1%
Gujarati 6% Hindi 3% Polish 1% Telagu 1%
Spanish 6% Punjabi 3% Chinese 1% Other 3%
Graduation Requirements – Class of 2019
All students must complete a minimum of 125 credits (40 credits per year) which include the following: Four years of English, four years of Physical Education and Health, three years of Math including Algebra I, Geometry or its equivalent, World History and Cultures, U.S. History I and II, three years of Science including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Environmental Science, one year of a World Language, one year of Practical Arts, Fine or Performing Arts and Personal Finance. Students must also pass the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment.
All science classes are lab sciences.
Baseball (B), Basketball (B&G), Bowling (B&G), Cheerleading (G), Cross Country (B&G), Football (B), Golf (B), Soccer (B&G), Softball (G),Tennis (B&G), Track (B&G), Wrestling (B)
Volleyball (B&G), Swimming (B&G) and Ice Hockey (B)
Extra Curricular Activities
Student Council, The Torch (newspaper), Camelot (yearbook), Pegasus (literary magazine), National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, French Honor Society, Engineering Club, Science Club, Key Club, FCCLA, Senior Class Play, Peer Leadership, International Club, Color Guard, Chorus, Concert Choir, Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz Band, FBLA, Japanese Club, Math Academic Club, Science Honor Society, Science Olympiad Academic Competition , Mock Trial Club, Chess Club, Cricket Club, Weightlifting Club, Environmental Club, and Peer Tutoring
Special Programs
Gifted & Talented – Academic, Visual Arts, Theater Arts, Music (Middlesex Arts High School)
Student Advisory Committee