Extra-Curricular Advisors 2024-2025


Faculty Advisor


Academic Team

Brittany Murray
Stephen Toro

JFK's Academic Team is a competitive club that participates in Jeopardy-style competitions against other schools. Members showcase their knowledge in math, science, English, and social studies. The format involves quick responses to questions from a moderator. Beyond the buzzers and points, being part of the Academic Team is an experience that promotes teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication, offering students a platform to test their academic skills and represent our school in a competitive setting

American Sign Language Honor Society

Jessica Gloster

Astronomy Club

Stephen Toro

Badminton Club

Alanna Doran

Any student at Kennedy, regardless of level of play or knowledge of the sport can join. Depending on the time of the year the club is either held in the gym or cafe. All grade levels are welcome.

Band Director

Josh Cabrera

Band Assistant Director(s)

Brandon Eberhardt

BioTech Club

Robert Seavy

Black Student Union

Arthur Davis
Cristina Figueroa

"The Black Student Union is a student led organization focused on uplifting and supporting students of Black and African descent at JFKMHS. Our goals are to provide a safe space for students of all backgrounds to, teach, and explore issues affecting the Black community; to better our community and foster relationships with local Black-run organizations; and to work with our school's other ally groups to educate the JFKMHS population about the diverse nature of our student community."

Business Honor Society

Stacy Napolitano

BHS is for business savvy students who wish to participate in different activities and fundraisers that can further their knowledge and love for all things business! Interested students need to meet certain criteria in order to apply.

Chinese Honor Society

Andrew Cahill

The Chinese Club and Chinese Honors Society at our high school actively contribute to our vibrant community. Through organizing engaging field trips, promoting Chinese culture with festive decorations, celebrating holidays, fostering camaraderie through games, and fundraising for charitable causes, we create a dynamic space for cultural appreciation and social impact. Join us in embracing the richness of Chinese traditions while making a positive difference in the world.


Kyle Casem

The Chorus is open to all students at JFK. No experience is necessary. Any student who likes to sing, wants to learn how to sing, or wants to do something fun, meet friends, and be a part of a community is welcome to join. See our website for more information about the choir program at JFK.

Concert Choir

Kyle Casem

Dance Exchange

Michelle Perosi

Dance Exchange is a student run club that prides itself on cultural diversity and sharing the student's love for dance by sharing and performing dances from various genres and cultures. Dance Exchange meets once a week from October to April, culminating in a Spring Performance choreographed and run by the students. No prior dance training is necessary. Dance Exchange is open to all!

Diversity Council

Abbey Seguine

Eco Friendly Club

Ricardo Viteri

The Eco-Friendly club focuses on Environmental Efforts. We kick up our activities mainly in the Spring by planting a garden in our courtyard, partake in the Colonia Clean Up project and hold a school clean up as well. If you would like to help clean up the environment and earn volunteer hours this club is for you.

Excuse the Interruption

Ms. Rotella
Ms. Acuna-Francisco

E.T.I is a student run production team that helps produce and direct our ongoing YouTube series, Excuse the Interruption on JFKMHSTV on YouTube. The club is open to all grades and requires an application for consideration. Students needed for cameraman, assistant director, producing assistant, script writers, etc.

Fall Drama

Candida Montalvo -
RETURNING IN 2025-2026

The Fall Play is opened to all interested students, no matter what Theater experience they have. Each year a show will be selected - either a full length or one-Act comedy or drama - and students will have the opportunity to audition. Once cast, students will learn about blocking, character development, character motivation and intention, and how all technical elements come together to put on a show during the rehearsal process. Performances will take place in November.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Danielle Salsman

FBLA helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs. Students participate in regional business competitions, charitable fundraising, club events, and business related field trips.

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

Dawn Santana


French Honor Society

Meni Zeizel

The French Honor Society is for students that have achieved excellence in French during 4 years of French

Freshman Class Advisor

Stacy Napolitano

Freshman Class Officers are voted on by their peers to represent their class during 9th grade. These students act as the grade level representation at all student council meetings/events as well as fundraisers to benefit their class throughout the year. Elected officers are required to participate in all activities and events related to their grade and/or the student body as a whole. The application process takes place at the start of the school year.

Gaming Unplugged

Judith Levine

Girls Who Code

Arthur Davis

"Green Street" - A Capella

Kyle Casem

A Cappella is a select vocal ensemble that performs contemporary pop music in addition to jazz works. Membership is by audition only. See our website for more information about the choir program at JFK. [I have logos/QR codes/photos/whatever if you want them]

Guitar Club

Ricardo Viteri

The guitar club focuses on educating members on guitar playing. It also partakes in a end of the year concert. The club mainly focuses on guitar but all musicians are welcomed. It differs from band or chorus because it gives an opportunity for members to perform individually.

Heroes & Cool Kids

Christopher Bergondo
Tara Tolley

Our JFK “Heroes” will be trained by professional retired athletes and then mentor the IMS “Cool Kids” on avoiding alcohol and drugs, standing up to stop bullying and making great life choices.

Indic Alliance Ally Group

Mamta Puri

Indoor Percussion

Josh Cabrera

Intertnational Thespian Society (ITS)

Candida Montalvo

Jazz Band

Josh Cabrera

Junior Class Advisor

Tara Tolley

The Junior Class officers are elected by the Sophomore Class at the end of the previous school year. The 4 officers are responsible for representing the Juniors by relaying information to the junior class students. They are required to host fundraising events, rally students to participate in junior class projects and participate in the planning of the Sweetheart Dance and Junior Cotillion. All officers must participate in junior activities to be considered eligible to run for a senior class position.

Junior Cotillion Coordinator

Nicole McFadden
Jessica Herres

K Pop Club

Amy McNulla

Kennedy American Cancer Society

Nichole Lesniak

The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization solely devoted to the purpose of aiding the lives of individuals and family members who have been affected by a cancerous disease. Cancer is widely known to be extremely harmful and often deadly but with the volunteer services from thousands of organizations and clubs such as ourselves, the American Cancer Society continues to work diligently until cancer is no longer feared. The mission of the Kennedy American Cancer Society club is to to better educate ourselves and others on preventative methods and treatment for cancer, to raise awareness for forms of cancer, and to host charitable events to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.

Key Club

Jennifer Timinski

Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provide its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership.

Latin Connection Club

Valeria Alvarez

The Latin Connection Club celebrates the Latin-American and European heritage of students at JFK. Our focus is to bring "Sabor Latino" -our Latin flair- not only to our school, but also our community.

Mathematics Team

Jenna Koppel

The Math Team participates in competitions in the Central Jersey Mathematics League. The top scorers in the league get the opportunity to participate in the American Regions Mathematic League competition at the end of the school year at Penn State University. Our club is open to students in 9-12 grade.

Model UN

Ryan Wood

In Model UN, students practice for and take part in events in which they act as a delegate for a United Nations General Assembly or other similar debate based activity

Muslim Student Association

Valeria Alvarez

The Muslim Student Association is an organization set to uplift the voices of the Muslim students at JFK High School. The MSA is set to foster community with like-minded people. Our vision is to create a space for the Muslim youth to have an impact, achieved through awareness campaigns that highlight the humanitarian issues emerging in Islamic community.

National English Honor Society

Lauren Ebner
Nichole Lesniak

The JFK Chapter of the National English Honor Society (NEHS) is named The Readers of the Round Table in honor of our namesake and his love of the tale of King Arthur. The key mission of the NEHS is to plan activities and events for the community that foster and encourage a love of literacy and language. NEHS is open to juniors who have demonstrated exceptional ability in such areas as literary analysis, media studies, composition, linguistic study, and creative writing, and who meet the requirements of membership. The application process begins in February.

National Honor Society

Colleen Kurowsky

To fulfill the duties and responsibilities according to the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.

Newspaper (Torch)

Lindsay Prusicki

Students get to write for the school newspaper, The Torch. All articles and photos are published online.

Ping Pong Club

Thomas Maginn

The club usually consists of 15-25 members. We play Ping Pong and students who are not playing are encouraged to work on homework/classwork. Students are told to remain in the cafeteria.

Raise the Arts Club

Brooke Napoli

The Art Club is a place for artists to practice their skills, develop their techniques and portfolios, collaborate with other artists like themselves, create bonds with the community through the arts, and learn how to work together through group projects that will beautify the school and community.

Robotics Club

The Pneubotic Mustangs Robotics Team" consists of students looking to advance their knowledge of modern science and engineering by researching, designing, and developing robots to compete in the FRC.

Safety Ambassador Program

Candida Montalvo
Allison Jones

The Safety Ambassador Program educates young children about safety while also providing high school students with opportunities to improve self-confidence, verbal communication, presentation skills, and leadership. The Safety Ambassadors create short interactive lessons and teach them to first grade classes at a designated Elementary School in the district.

Science Honor Society

Edward Novak
Divya Aditya

The Science National Honor Society is made up of volunteers who are teachers, scientists, students, and business people. We are an academic club with strict rules on eligibility. The club is involved with tutoring, fundraising, and other student centered ideas/events. This is the second year the JFKMHS is nationally recognized.

Senior Class Advisors

Chris Wilton
Lauren Della Serra

As the senior class officers, the students are responsible for upholding and modeling what it means to be a JFK Mustang, coming up with and facilitating new fundraisers, enhancing school spirit, and getting the senior class excited about various senior events culminating with graduation.

Senior Class Masquerade Dance Coordinators

Michelle Simonitis
Chris Wilton

Senior Class Treasury

Bob Schreck

Senior Play Advisor & Director

Lauren Ebner

The Kennedy Players are a group of hardworking performers dedicated to creating entertaining musicals for the community to enjoy. The Spring Musical provides opportunities for students to sing, dance, and act on the Kennedy stage. Additionally, the musical has many talented musicians, artists, and crew members that work to bring the musical to life.

Senior Play Choreographer

Maura McKeever

Senior Play Orchestra Director

Josh Cabrera

Senior Play Set Construction

Senior Set Technology Director

Vivianna Acuna-Francisco

Mrs. A leads students as they conceptualize the sets for JFK's fall and spring plays. Students learn how set designers work with a director and about the practical considerations such as budget, space and time. Students are hands-on creating the sets and props. This club is a how-to for anyone interested in learning the basics of set design for the theater. We will sketch, draft and build to help us understand a set designer's process. Meetings times will be posted.

Senior Play Stage Crew

Senior Play Vocal Director

Kyle Casem

Senior Prom

Nicole Riverso
Jordan Culver

Seniors will assist in the planning and preparation from our Senior Prom!

Show Choir

Kyle Casem

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide

Michelle Perosi

SPTS Youth Council is a District Wide Club comprised of the the 3 District High Schools. Sophomore and Junior students are eligible. Senior students are existing members, no new Seniors will be accepted each year. SPTS Youth Council meets once a month at the 3 different high schools. The goal of the youth council is to promote awareness of teen suicide prevention and equip students with resources and knowledge to help eliminate the stigma tied to teen suicide and instead promote wellness, coping mechanisms, and resiliency. Teacher recommendation and application process is required.

Sophomore Class Advisor

Alanna Doran

Spanish Honor Society

Vera Kopko

Spanish Honor Society is an honor society committed to spreading love for the Spanish language and giving back to their local community. They have demonstrated their dedication through hosting food drives, volunteering, and raising money for scholarships for the Senior members of the society. In order to be apart of the Spanish Honor Society members must have maintained a grade of an A, with the exception of one “B+” throughout their years of Spanish. Being apart of the Spanish Honor Society means showing responsibility, knowledge, and love for the Spanish language.


Ellen Paloti

Serves as a safe space for members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community

Step Team "Elite"

Nicole McFadden

JFKMHS's STEP Team "Elite" is an extracurricular club that focuses on choreographing and performing step routines. Step is a unique form of dance rooted in African tradition. The dance is percussive in nature, meaning that all parts of the body, especially hands and feet, are used to produce rhythmic sounds and beats!

Student Council

Christina Lyszck
Jennifer Timinski

JFK Student Council is a school-wide club that works to help implement interests and ideas not only into our school but also our community. Student Council runs fundraisers to raise money for our student body, offers events to help township and national organizations, and works to implement activities into our school throughout the year.

Summer Band Camp

Josh Cabrera
Brandon Eberhardt

Treble Choir

Kyle Casem

Tri M Music Honor Society

Josh Cabrera

Tutoring Club

Colleen Kurowsky
David Balle

Wednesdays After School in Room 228


Ellen Paloti

Mental Health Awareness

Wind Ensemble

Josh Cabrera

Yearbook (Camelot)

Rachael Rotella
Brittany Miller

Yearbook Club is a student-focused publication club where students work together to collaboratively build the JFKMHS yearbook each year. Yearbook Club meets once a month after school to work on the yearbook in room 130, plan page designs, and arrange the pictures taken by the school photographer. Weekly assignments via Google Classroom are given and members are expected to attend and document school events outside of school hours.

Young Adult Book Club

Michelle Smith

We read a current selection of young adult literature and hold monthly book discussions.