

The Woodbridge Township Recreation Department is excited to announce the formation of a Township-wide Woodbridge Recreation Softball League combining the resources of Woodbridge and Colonia Girls Softball into one dynamic league.  ONE TOWNSHIP, ONE LEAGUE.

The number one goal will be to increase participation while giving as many girls as possible the chance to play Softball in a positive, inexpensive and FUN environment.  Players from across the Township will play together. We will maximize the use of our Township resources giving every kid a chance to play and practice on our beautiful Turf Fields. More practice, more games, and more instruction!!

Our Travel Softball Teams will not be impacted by our League consolidation.  Kids will still have the opportunity to tryout and compete for Woodbridge and Colonia Travel Softball. The only requirement is you must play Rec to be eligible for Travel.

We are very excited about our new League and hope that you are also!

Mayor John McCormac