Check out the Virtual Career Exploration Fair on Feb 24th!
about 3 years ago, James Parry
Career Exploration Fair
Course requests can be completed via Genesis Parent Portal from Friday, January 21st through Friday, February 4th. If you have any questions in regards to the course requests process, timeline, or course offerings, please contact your guidance counselor.
about 3 years ago, WMS Admin
ATTENTION: The Parent Faculty Forum Meeting scheduled for November has been CANCELLED. -JFKMHS PFF Executive Board
over 3 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
JFKMHS Faculty and Staff would like to welcome Dr. James Parry, our new building Principal.
over 3 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
This is just a friendly reminder that there is a Parent Faculty Forum Meeting tomorrow evening, October 5th, @ 6:00 p.m. We hope to see you there! -JFKMHS PFF Executive Board
over 3 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
Don’t forget, tonight is Homecoming! We hope to see everyone there!
over 3 years ago, WMS Admin
ATTENTION ALL SENIORS!!! Don't forget to join us at 7:00 PM tonight for College Night!
over 3 years ago, Guidance Department
Our Parent Faculty Forum will be holding its Annual Opening Meeting tonight from 6:00 - 6:30 PM in the auditorium. Please also remember that in order to accommodate our community this evening, we are requesting that only 1 parent attend for each child enrolled at tonight's Open House.
over 3 years ago, Paul T. Postorino
Parents/Guardians: Please check your email or follow this link:, for an important update from Mr. Postorino.
over 3 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
It was so nice seeing all the students and parents yesterday at orientation. If you missed orientation, here is the slideshow presentation: We look forward to seeing everyone on September 7th!
over 3 years ago, Dr. Kayla Lott
On Thursday, August 26th we will be having orientation for sophomores and freshman students. Sophomores, your in-person orientation will be from 10am - 11pm. Freshmen (and parents), your orientation will be from 12pm - 2pm. We look forward to seeing everyone!
over 3 years ago, Dr. Kayla Lott
Just a friendly reminder to all that The Commencement Group will be setting up tomorrow to sell flowers at Graduation. Here is the pre-order link: CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2021!!
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
In the event of inclement weather on Tuesday, June 15th we will still hold Graduation Practice. Cohort C students (Virtual) should plan to arrive at 10:00 AM and enter the stadium near the entrance at the field house gate. In the event it is raining students should check in the building at Door # 7(Back Gymnasium). All Students MUST complete their daily Attestation form for this purpose before 8:00 AM.
almost 4 years ago, Paul T. Postorino
The "Senior Sunrise" event for Monday, June 14th has been postponed until Wednesday, June 16th, as a result of the likely storm scheduled to impact our area on June 14th. Seniors please be sure to check the Senior Information Class of 2021 google classroom for more information and other updates.
almost 4 years ago, Paul T. Postorino
Just a reminder that JFKMHS will be fully remote today, Tuesday, June 8th. All students will join their classes virtually following our normal bell schedule. We will resume with "In-Person" instruction on Wednesday, June 9th.
almost 4 years ago, Paul T. Postorino
If you are SAT testing at JFKMHS Saturday, June 5, 2021, please review the following document...
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
Tuesday, June 8, 2021: All Woodbridge Township Schools will be fully remote to accommodate Primary Voting.
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
Students taking AP exams should review the following BEFORE the exam and may use it to reference on what to do before/during/after the exam: ​ Should you experience any issues, please reach out to the AP Services for Students Hotline for assistance: 888-225-5427 Hours: M-F, 9 am - 8 pm ET May 17 - June 11
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
ATTENTION SENIORS: Tomorrow, Friday, April 30th is SENIOR DECISION DAY! Check your email for details and further information on how to participate in this event.
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District
WTSD will be hosting this school-year’s third Virtual SAT Boot Camp on Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 8:30 AM. The Boot Camp is open to all students who plan to take the SAT this spring/summer. This is a free boot camp for our students district-wide. Check your email for the classroom codes to participate in the Boot Camp!
almost 4 years ago, Woodbridge Township School District