Entering next grade

                                                                                                                                                         February 17, 2023
Dear Kennedy Park Families:

It has come to the attention of the school there are questions arising regarding
registration and entering the next grade for your current Kennedy Park School #24 for
the 2023 - 2024 school year.

Current Kennedy Park kindergarten students will attend their home school
(neighborhood school) for the 2023- 2024 school year and continuing elementary school
years. Kindergarten students currently attending Kennedy Park School #24 will not have
to be re-registered. Students’ information will roll over within the Genesis system at the
end the 2023 school year in June, as well as any medical files will be sent to the
according home school.

Specialized Programs
Special Education
-Preschool and Kindergarten students in specialized programs, the students will be
placed in the next school for the program that they will be attending for the 2023 – 2024
school year.
ELL (English Language Learners)
-Preschool ESL (ELL) students will be assessed in the late spring time of the school
year to decide whether the student(s) will exit the ESL program or not. Preschool ESL
students who do not exit out of the ESL program will attend a WTSD school that
provides the appropriate ESL services. Preschool ESL student(s) who may exit out of
the program will attend his or her home school.
-Kindergarten ESL (ELL) students will be assessed in the late winter (February/March)
to determine whether the student(s) will continue with ESL services or not. If students
exit out of the program based on test scores, they will attend their home school for the
remainder of their elementary schooling. If students still are in need of ESL services,
they will attend the WTSD elementary school that will host the ESL program.
If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 732-568-5680.

Mrs. P. Kaminsky
Principal, Kennedy Park School #24