There have been several cases of the flu at Kennedy Park. To be proactive and protect ourselves the best we can I would like to review a few important measures that you should discuss with your children. All the teachers have been advised on these current measures as well.
- Keep your hands clean by washing with soap and water
- Cover coughs and sneezes and dispose of used tissues properly
- Keep surfaces clean
- Stay home when sick (excessive coughing, fever, excessive drainage from nose, vomiting)
- Please be aware of the symptoms of the flu which include fever, chills,
muscle aches, headache, coughing and feeling tired and weak
- If possible get vaccinated for the flu
-If your child exhibits any or all of these symptoms please monitor your child
and consult a doctor as soon as possible. If you have any questions
regarding health and wellness.
Thank You
Mrs. Rapczynski
Kennedy Park #24 Nurse