As per Dr. Zega, due to impending snowfall, Thursday, Dec. 17th will be an asynchronous instructional day. Please see letter emailed home today for details.
The Water Company has advised us that a significant water main break for customers in Port Reading, East of the Turnpike has occurred today. People within this area should be advised that the boil water advisory is in place.
Congrats to Mrs. Gangemi, our Educator of the Year, and Mrs. Mulrooney, our Educational Service Professional of the Year!! Great Job and we appreciate all you do for School #9!
2nd Round of Spiritwear pickup is going on now. M, T, Th, Fr from 9:15 - 11:45am at the school.
December Spirit Calendar
Re-entry survey for School 9 was emailed home. Click here to submit - . Please complete by Thurs 9/28 at 12:30pm. One per family.
Spanish version - Re-Entry School 9 - Parent survey - due 7/31/2020
School 9 specific - Parent Re-entry survey to be completed by July 31, 2020 -
Parent Survey Re-entry September